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Download Apple Watch Data in R

This is my first attempt at adapting and writing code to pull Apple Watch data. It is very simple at this point and I'll be updating this at some point. Here is the github repository.

title: "Apple Watch Health Data"
author: Benjamin W. Nelson
output: html_notebook
date: 2/21/18
R version: 3.4.2

##Set WD
setwd("~/Dropbox/Apple Watch")

##Load Dev Tools Package

##Load Libraries
library(AppleHealthAnalysis); library(xml2); library(purrr); library(lubridate); library(shiny); library(ggplot2)
##Import Data
health_data <- ah_import_xml("export.xml")
##Data Cleaning
health_data <- health_data[ c("endDate", "hour", "type" , "value" , "unit" , "day_name") ] #Subset the data to get rid of the columns we don't need
health_data$value <- as.numeric(as.character(health_data$value)) # Make the 'value' variable numeric

##Clean up the type identifier so it is easier to parse.
health_data$type <- gsub('HKQuantityTypeIdentifier', "" , health_data$type )
health_data$type <- gsub('HKCategoryTypeIdentifier', "" , health_data$type )

##Make Identifyer a Factor
health_data$type <- health_data$type %>% as.factor()
health_data$type <- as.factor(health_data$type)
#why use the first instead of the second?
##Format Dates
# Use lubridate package to format the dates
health_data$endDate <- health_data$endDate %>% ymd_hms()
# add in columns for dates and times
health_data$year <- health_data$endDate %>% year() %>% as.factor()
health_data$month <- health_data$endDate %>% month() %>% as.factor()
health_data$month_name <- health_data$endDate %>% month(label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE ) %>% as.factor()
health_data$day <- health_data$endDate %>% mday() %>% as.factor()
health_data$day_name <- health_data$endDate %>% wday( label=TRUE, abbr=FALSE ) %>% as.factor()
health_data$date <- health_data$endDate %>% as_date()
health_data$hour <- health_data$endDate %>% hour() %>% as.factor()
health_data$minute <- health_data$endDate %>% minute() %>% as.factor()
##Reorder Columns
health_data_reorder<- health_data[c("endDate", "date", "month", "day", "year", "month_name", "day_name", "hour", "minute", "type", "value", "unit")]
##Pull Data
Note: ah_data_select Selects requested Apple Health information from the extracted data frame.
type_filter <- "RestingHeartRate"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "RestingHeartRate")
rhr_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "RestingHeartRate")
colnames(rhr_data)[4] <- "RestingHeartRate"
type_filter <- "HeartRate"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "HeartRate")
hr_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "HeartRate")
colnames(hr_data)[4] <- "HeartRate"
type_filter <- "HeartRateVariabilitySDNN"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "HeartRateVariabilitySDNN")
hrv_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "HeartRateVariabilitySDNN")
colnames(hrv_data)[4] <- "HeartRateVariabilitySDNN"
type_filter <- "HWalkingHeartRateAverage"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "WalkingHeartRateAverage")
whra_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "HWalkingHeartRateAverage")
colnames(whra_data)[4] <- "Walking Heart Rate Average"
#Physical Activity
type_filter <- "StepCount"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "StepCount")
step_count_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "StepCount")
colnames(step_count_data)[4] <- "StepCount"
type_filter <- "DistanceWalkingRunning"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "DistanceWalkingRunning")
distance_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "DistanceWalkingRunning")
colnames(distance_data)[4] <- "DistanceWalkingRunning"
type_filter <- "FlightsClimbed"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "FlightsClimbed")
stairs_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "FlightsClimbed")
colnames(stairs_data)[4] <- "HFlightsClimbed"
type_filter <- "AppleExerciseTime"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "AppleExerciseTime")
exercise_time_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "AppleExerciseTime")
colnames(exercise_time_data)[4] <- "AppleExerciseTime"
type_filter <- "AppleStandHour"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "AppleStandHour")
stand_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "AppleStandHour")
colnames(stand_data)[4] <- "AppleStandHour"
#Calories. Note- studies suggest that calories from wearables can be up to 90% inaccurate
type_filter <- "BasalEnergyBurned"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "BasalEnergyBurned")
basal_energy_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "BasalEnergyBurned")
colnames(basal_energy_data)[4] <- "BasalEnergyBurned"
type_filter <- "ActiveEnergyBurned"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "ActiveEnergyBurned")
active_energy_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "ActiveEnergyBurned")
colnames(active_energy_data)[4] <- "ActiveEnergyBurned"
#Blood Pressure
type_filter <- "BloodPressureDiastolic"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "BloodPressureDiastolic")
bp_dia_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "BloodPressureDiastolic")
colnames(bp_dia_data)[4] <- "BloodPressureDiastolic"
type_filter <- "BloodPressureSystolic"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "BloodPressureSystolic")
bp_sys_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "BloodPressureSystolic")
colnames(bp_sys_data)[4] <- "BloodPressureSystolic"
#Body Mass
type_filter <- "BodyMass"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "BodyMass")
body_mass_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "BodyMass")
colnames(body_mass_data)[4] <- "BodyMass"
type_filter <- "MindfulSession"
ah_data_select(health_data , type_filter = "MindfulSession")
mindful_data <-ah_data_select( health_data , type_filter = "MindfulSession")

Or here